Kontaktstation shown at CIANT Gallery, Prague
Kontaktstation will be shown at the CIANT Gallery (Centre of Art and New Technology) in Prague, Czech Republic from 04th of June to 06th of July 2008.
The exhibition will focus on man-machine interactions and alternate interfaces. Along Kontaktstation, there will be a documentation of works from Stelarc (“How many ears and arms do you have?”) and Pash* (“Psychokinetic Simulator – wear a wireless suit and make your mate vibrate”).
On Wednesday, 4th of June will be an Artist Talk, where I’m presenting an overview of my past and current works and will talk a bit about the history and utopia of speech- & sound transmission devices!
The Gallery is an exhibition space from the CIANT Institute, The Center of Art and New Technology and is opened usually opened Wednesdays to Sundays 16 to 20h. (-> Address)
If you’re there, pop in! The admission is free!