We will show a new work this weekend in collaboration with Jens Heitjohann on July 4th and July 5th in Leipzig: Phonorama, an interactive...
Category : Articles in English

I ❤ NY
Thanks to our Media Architecture Dual Master’s Degree at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and the University at Buffalo, State...

2nd price at Mobile HCI 2014 in Toronto
My new and upcoming research project won the 2nd price at this years Mobile HCI (Human Computer Interface) conference 2014 in Toronto,...

Going Mobile
News: I will talk about this topic at B_Talk (part of the B_Tour Festival) on Monday June 23rd 2014, 19:30 at the Prachtwerk in Berlin....

Ars Electronica: Physarum Polycephalum
I am very proud to show a new project at this year’s Ars Electronica in Linz. Bodymetries / “Physarum Polycephalum” is...

Mobile Media Workshop @ University at Buffalo, New York
I’m very much looking forward to my Workshop “Mobile Media – HTML5 for Mobile Devices” at the State University of...

Procoding now with iCloud, Resource Manager & HTML Export
Procoding Mobile for iOS just got a feature-packed update: Sync with iCloud, add resources and export as self-contained HTML5 project...

Rate iTunes songs from the menu bar! UPDATE: RateMe v 1.3 and newer is now available on the AppStore! Visit rateme.audiocommander.de to...

Procoding – HTML5 Canvas IDE for iOS
Procoding – A HTML5 Canvas/Javascript and Processing.js IDE for iOS5 is available now! Procoding runs on the iPad and iPhone/iPod...

Announcing PR0C0D1N6: Processing.js IDE for iOS
Finally: I’m very proud to announce a Processing.js IDE for iOS. After about two years of development, hesitation and despair,...

SHIFT Electronic Arts Festival Basel
kII will be shown at the SHIFT Electronic Arts Festival Basel, Swiss, 27. – 30.10.2011 (k2.0) More informations after the...

SID/NIME 2011 in Oslo
My Talking Machine kII will has been shown in Oslo, Norway, at the SID Exhibition, part of the NIME 2011 Oslo Conference on New...

ACTV: Breaking News!
ACTV is a Live-TV News-Injection system, broadcasting a live television news program with custom live generated RSS news feed overlays...

E5TV: Breaking News @ ENTER5
Toghether with the Czech artist Darina Alster, I will present a new work of ours: E5TV – Breaking News at the Datapolis Exhibition...

Visiting Ethiopia
I have been to Ethiopia with the Bauhaus-University’s group “Facing Transcontinental Interfaces“. This project tries to...

Construction / Deconstruction of Language
Darina Alster & Michael Markert show a new collaborative work which will be exhibited in in Praha at the ENTRANCE Gallery (Karlin...

k2.0 in Cambridge
The talking machine k2.0 is shown as part of the Exhibition "Assembling Bodies" at the

Quartz Composer: Processor Suite Plugins
ACProcessorSuite is a suite of custom plugins for Apple’s Quartz Composer, a realtime visual programming environment that comes...

Tweaking in Limerick
From September 21st to 26th, I will be at the tweak festival in Limerick, Ireland. You can see the k2.1 talking machine, and I will have...

ACTimer is a small and probably quite useless Desktop Application for Mac OS X 10.5. or higher. It resides in the Menu Bar and has three...

k2.2 at ENTER4 in Prague
The talking machine k2.2 will be shown at the International Science | Technology | Art Festival and Conference Enter4 in Prague. Enter4...

k2.1 at Kinetica Art Fair London
The talking machine k2.1 will be shown at Kinetica Art Fair 2009 in London! Carnivorous lampshades, pole dancing robots,...

kIII shown at CIANT Gallery Praha
The exhibition “Talking Machines” is launching Monday, the 24th November and is opened from November 25th to December 14th at...

Kontaktstation shown at CIANT Gallery, Prague
Kontaktstation will be shown at the CIANT Gallery (Centre of Art and New Technology) in Prague, Czech Republic from 04th of June to 06th...

midimouse (Mac OS X)
[update]: Just released a beta version of midimouse 0.7 that will run on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion)....

Politician’s Speech – Cybernetic Speaker’s Desk
“Politician’s Speech” is an interactive installation. People can make a speech about a momentous political topic by...

ACSensorizer 0.4
After over two years development, I am very proud to present a freely available DIY-SensorBox that provides more features than any other...

ZKM: Mensch-[in der]-Maschine
kII – the voicetopological interface is currently shown at the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe...

Urban Phonetics Phrases Communication Regression
There’s been a live-transmission from Nuremberg to London this evening for Cybersonica’s Soundwaves Artist Talk at Kinetica...

Cybersonica Soundwaves in London
Now in its sixth year, the London based festival of music, sound, art and technology is a leading international event for anyone...