kII – the voicetopological interface is currently shown at the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie in Karlsruhe...
Tag : ZKM

Kempelen Exhibition in Budapest
I just returned from Hungary: there’s a great exhibition in the Mücsarnok (Kunsthalle) Budapest titled “Kempelen – Man in...

Kontaktstation 3.0 @ Fraunhofer Conference 2006
This wednesday, October the 18th, the Kontaktstation 3.0 has been presented on the Fraunhofer Conference of the Year 2006 in the Maritim...

Zeige deine Wunde wieder!
Am Donnerstag waren wir Teil der Pro-/Anti-Beuys-Demo (eine Performance von Georg Winter mit dem Titel “Performing Public”)...