My new and upcoming research project won the 2nd price at this years Mobile HCI (Human Computer Interface) conference 2014 in Toronto,...
Tag : Software

Rate iTunes songs from the menu bar! UPDATE: RateMe v 1.3 and newer is now available on the AppStore! Visit to...

iPhone Dev Course @ Bauhaus-University
This term I am teaching an iPhone Development course at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar, where I am working as an artistic staff member....

Quartz Composer: Processor Suite Plugins
ACProcessorSuite is a suite of custom plugins for Apple’s Quartz Composer, a realtime visual programming environment that comes...

ACTimer is a small and probably quite useless Desktop Application for Mac OS X 10.5. or higher. It resides in the Menu Bar and has three...

midimouse (Mac OS X)
[update]: Just released a beta version of midimouse 0.7 that will run on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion)....

ACSensorizer 0.4
After over two years development, I am very proud to present a freely available DIY-SensorBox that provides more features than any other...

Cybersonica Soundwaves in London
Now in its sixth year, the London based festival of music, sound, art and technology is a leading international event for anyone...

kII 2.1 at Cybersonica SOUNDWAVES
I am very pleased and happy to announce, that an adapted work of kII (and the Kontaktstation!) will be shown at the Cybersonica...

Kempelen 2.0
I just released an application interface “kII” to control the SpeakJet, an integrated robot-voice soundchip from Magnevation,...

m5 sensorizer
m5 sensorizer is an MBHP/MIOS ( project to enable processing of sensorized data by Midi. As I am working with applications...

Kontaktstation 2.0
Anlässlich der Blauen Nacht 2006 in Nürnberg (laut Flyer immerhin Deutschlands größter Kunst- und Kulturnacht), habe ich die...

m3 shown at Cybersonica in London
I’m excited being able to announce, that my virtual gate m3 will be shown at Cybersonica 2006, London’s annual festival of...

Programming Microchips with a Mac
I’ve released a binary SDCC installer and written a step-by-step tutorial how to use Xcode 2 as IDE for developing C-Applications....

Was denn nun? Nachdem die Verwirrung über meine zwei Domains zu groß geworden ist, habe ich mich für eine klare Trennung entschieden...

A small binary clock. This is rather an experiment in programming excercises than a useful program… nevertheless, it’s...

m3 – a virtual music gate
The m3 is a virtual music gate, that sensors body movements in a space between two illuminated columns and processes the data in realtime...

m1 – sensorisches Musikinstrument
Das modul[1] ist ein sensorisches Musikinstrument mit Quintenzirkel-Interface und meine Diplomarbeit als Kommunikationsdesigner,...