Werkschau & Vortrag: Am 29. Februar 2008 sind in der Ausstellungshalle der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Nürnberg meine...
Tag : Music Gate
Cybersonica 2006 in London
As Cybersonica is continuing these days with(in) the Encompass Festival and b.TWEEN 06 I finally found the time to show you what happened...
Cybersonica on Resonance FM
I’m back from London! Cybersonica 06 is opening today (Wednesday, 10th May) and there will be a big party going on. I’m...
m3 shown at Cybersonica in London
I’m excited being able to announce, that my virtual gate m3 will be shown at Cybersonica 2006, London’s annual festival of...
m3 – a virtual music gate
The m3 is a virtual music gate, that sensors body movements in a space between two illuminated columns and processes the data in realtime...