Procoding Mobile for iOS just got a feature-packed update: Sync with iCloud, add resources and export as self-contained HTML5 project...
Tag : Cocoa
Rate iTunes songs from the menu bar! UPDATE: RateMe v 1.3 and newer is now available on the AppStore! Visit to...
Procoding – HTML5 Canvas IDE for iOS
Procoding – A HTML5 Canvas/Javascript and Processing.js IDE for iOS5 is available now! Procoding runs on the iPad and iPhone/iPod...
Announcing PR0C0D1N6: Processing.js IDE for iOS
Finally: I’m very proud to announce a Processing.js IDE for iOS. After about two years of development, hesitation and despair,...
iPhone Dev Course @ Bauhaus-University
This term I am teaching an iPhone Development course at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar, where I am working as an artistic staff member....
Quartz Composer: Processor Suite Plugins
ACProcessorSuite is a suite of custom plugins for Apple’s Quartz Composer, a realtime visual programming environment that comes...
midimouse (Mac OS X)
[update]: Just released a beta version of midimouse 0.7 that will run on Mac OS 10.7 (Lion) and Mac OS 10.8 (Mountain Lion)....
Politician’s Speech – Cybernetic Speaker’s Desk
“Politician’s Speech” is an interactive installation. People can make a speech about a momentous political topic by...
A small binary clock. This is rather an experiment in programming excercises than a useful program… nevertheless, it’s...
m3 – a virtual music gate
The m3 is a virtual music gate, that sensors body movements in a space between two illuminated columns and processes the data in realtime...