Programming Microchips with a Mac
I’ve released a binary SDCC installer and written a step-by-step tutorial how to use Xcode 2 as IDE for developing C-Applications.
Now Microchip Application Development is getting really easy on a Mac!
All you need is:
– GPASM (binary installer available here),
– SDCC (binary installer available from my server here) and
– Xcode (available from
You should also check out, where Thorsten Klose (TK) has released an OpenSource modular microchip development platform, the MBHP (MidiBox Hardware Project) that consists of combinable hardware modules and a superb C-Wrapper for the MIOS Operating System for Microchip PIC18 Chips. There are also two shops available in Germany and the US where you can order PCBs and Kits by MIOS Community Members.
MIOS supports SysEx upload of custom applications once a loader is burned into the PIC, so if you buy a chip already equipped with the loader, you just need a MIDI device and you’re ready to go!
Cheers to the MidiBox-Community :D
If you have questions, you can leave a message here or post it to the MidiBox Forum, where you will also find me ;)